Metabolic Rate – The Key to a “trimmer” you.

Most people ask “What is Metabolic Rate?”
Metabolism is the amount of energy (calories) your body burns to maintain itself (to keep you alive). Whether you are eating, drinking, sleeping, cleaning etc... your body is constantly burning calories to keep you going. Your body is burning energy even if you were to stay all day in bed, as your heart is beating and your lungs breathing, for example. This is often called the basal or resting metabolic rate.

In my opinion the worst thing you can do to lose weight is “dieting” without any medical/professional advice or worse, doing a diet that you heard through a friend or just because your friend is doing it.

If you eat a very low-calorie diet, your metabolism will slow down in order for your body to survive (your body thinks it is starving). For your body to survive, FAT must be stored.
If your diet has resulted in a loss of muscle and that is what happens most of the time, (you probably will have an increase in your percentage of body fat) then your metabolism has probably slowed down as results and your body won’t burn fat as efficient as it should be.
Have you ever heard people saying “I am not eating but I am still putting weight on”?

Few other facts that slow down your Metabolism - BMR:
> Not doing Weights/Resistance Training
> After the age of 30 (natural loss of muscle)
> Thyroid Problem
> Dehydration
> Foods covered with pesticides
> Lack of protein
> Lack of iron
> Lack of crucial vitamin
> Alcohol
How to INCREASE your BMR and BURN more CALORIES "Kcal"
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