Well, well, well, despite all the life-changing benefits that exercise can bring, many of us still think of exercise as a CHORE.

The list of excuses not to exercise is enormous and people are quite creative when thinking about them.

What I find is that the people who have the most excuses (about 65%) are those who need to exercise the most e.g. weight problem affecting health, but clearly they are not just the ones. Anyone with any fitness goal in mind starts soon or later “FINDING” obstacles. Have you already?

Among all of us the most common excuse from this enormous and creative list are:

“I am too busy,” “Going away with work,” “a family member is ill”, “studying,” Working late”.  
Busy to exercise? But you are going to end up having to find time for illness or health problems!
If you spend 60min. or less training, I have to say well done!
Short high or low-impact intervals can act as a powerful tool to supercharge your health.
If you have a good fitness programme in place lasting just 15-30min, and specifically design for you, you still can benefit from a workout which is HALF of the traditional time that people spend in the gym. You can easily fit 15-30min around your busy lifestyle even when traveling. You just need the right programme.

“Exercise is too difficult and painful.”
Well, yes. “No Pain, No Gain”, maybe for some. But let’s leave the old fashioned way of thinking about exercise behind. Depending of your goal, let’s teach ourselves that exercise doesn’t have to hurt to be incredibly effective. You can find yourself gaining an incredible deal just by walking more, swimming, even playing golf or cleaning the house and gardening. Exercise doesn’t mean just going to the gym, a walk with friend in the woods or around the cost can be called “exercise” and for others leisure walks, but whatever you choose to do just start slowly.

“I’m too tired to exercise.”
Probably the truth is that you don’t feel like exercising or just can’t be bothered… maybe because you don’t have a fitness plan, your routine is boring or you have been doing the same thing too long.
Regular exercise is a powerful pick-me-up that can significantly reduce fatigue and make you feel much more energetic.
If you’re feeling tired go and do something different from your usual exercise.
Let’s say you go running all the time, so go swimming instead.
If you walk most of the time, go dancing.
Do something that you wouldn’t normally do, like playing Tennis, or Badminton etc…  and I am 100% sure you are going to feel much better afterwards and deep inside you will think “I feel much better”.
If you or your son have a computer game like Boxing on WII or on Xbox kinect or similar. You can use that as an exercise as well. You can even do a few sets of sit up, press up, squats or anything, between each round. Just like interval training and each cardio is one round of boxing. Who said video games is bad for you, think again!

“I’m too old to start exercising,” “I'm too fat,” or “My health isn’t good enough.” 
It’s never too late to start anything and definitely exercising!
If you are a senior, a self-confessed couch potato or your health is an issue. You are the one who has to really think in starting to exercise … just begin slowly and gradually build up.
Exercise is a proven treatment for many diseases—from diabetes to arthritis. Very few health or weight problems make exercise out of the question, so talk to your doctor about a safe routine for you and book with a Personal Training even if it just for one session, this way you can get a personalized fitness programme written for you.

“I’m not athletic.”
Do you hide your head when the tennis ball approaches? Do you run the opposite way when plying football? Do you have 2 left legs?
You are probably a perfect match and there are many people like you out there. Believe me you are not alone! Don’t worry if you’re not sporty or ultra-coordinated. Instead, all you have to do is to find an activity that makes you feel good to be in your body like Yoga and Pilates.

“Exercise is boring.”
Sure, hours on a treadmill is very boring, for some, I am a trainer and I admit that but some people like it, just a mp3 player and there they go miles and miles.
Not all exercise has to be boring, I am sure you can find an activity you will enjoy.
If you are not the type of person that likes the gym, or get bored quite quickly don’t worry, that is fine. Try playing Ping-Pong one day, Squash the other and so on… get out of the house more (preferably WALKING, jogging, cycling) and go to the park, public tennis/basketball courts and play games with your kids, friends or partner… than go to the gym and repeat the cycle again.

 “I really hate exercise.”
I would say, grow up! How can you hate something which is good for you? But some people do.
I believe you just have to find something
that fits your personality and lifestyle.
Try different Aerobic Classes to Martial Arts, Team Games to Video Games Exercise, Exercise TV, DVDs and even fitness apps now days tell you what to do or just get a Personal Trainer!!!

Until you have a reason to be physically active, a reasons that matters, and matters deeply, then you are not going to stick with it.
So WHY are you exercising or thinking about starting? Make sure you remind yourself every time you find an excuse not to exercise!

Try planning ahead, write down what you are going to do and when for the whole week.
Get all the gear ready the day before, might help taking it to work with you and don’t come back home.
Don’t see it as an obligation in life. It should be a FUN part of your day that you look for.
Remember everything counts, not just the gym. Walk more, use the stairs, park away from work, cycle to work (too far, put the bike in the car, drive and park 15min away). If you go by bus, walk 3-4 bus stops down the road, same when you get off…

There is no excuse really… whatever you say.  There are many other things you can do to overcome the obstacles and excuses.

The problem is YOU not what is on your way!

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Thank you for reading

Rodrigo Peres
Nutritional Consultant
Personal Trainer

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